Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bölümü (Ankara / Türkiye) 2013 – 2020 Yüksek Lisans:
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bölümü (Ankara / Türkiye) 2009-2013 Lisans:
Tabriz Azad University, Department of English Language Teaching (Tabriz/Iran) 2003-2007
2023- 2024: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi (Lokman Hekim Üniversitesi)
2015- 2023: Bilkent Sports International Personal Trainer,
2014-2015: Ders asistanı
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Level A (DNS A) – Prague School
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Level B (DNS B) – Prague School
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Level C (DNS C) – Prague School
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Skills Course on Scoliosis – prague School
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Foot
- Certified Functional Trainer (CFT)
- Provention Training for Preventing ACL Injuries
- Functional Movement Screen (FMS)
- EXOS Performance Mentorship
- Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)
- Fonksiyonel Fitness Koçluğu
- Kettlebell ile Düzeltici Egzersiz Stratejileri
- Forgotten Foot
- Core Antremanları ve Doğru Bilinen Yanlışlar
- Çıplak Ayak Antrenman Teorisi ve Uygulamaları
- Skapular Diskinezi Değerlendirilmesi ve Egzersiz Programları
- Scapular Diskinezi’ye Klinik ve Eleştirisel Yaklaşım
- VBT-2 Training
- Body & Sports Connection
- BFR Training
- Brain States for Motor Programming
- Lymphatic System
- Metabolic Flexibility
- Neuro Nutrition
- Foot to Core
- Combat İnjuries and Exercise
- Treating Basketball İnjuries with Tape and Exercise
- Hands & Wrist in Sports
- Mitigating Hamstring İnjury
- KEttbell Workouts
- The Foundation for strength, Speed and Power
- Franklin Method Pelvik Taban Eğitimi
Cug, M., Wikstrom, E. A., Golshaei, B., & Kirazci, S. (2016). The Effects of Sex, Limb Dominance, and Soccer Participation on Knee Proprioception and Dynamic Postural Control. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 25(1), 31–39.
Coskun, B., Unlu, G., Golshaei, B., Kocak, S., & Kirazcı, S. (2019). Comparison of the static and dynamic balance between normal-hearing and hearing-impaired wrestlers. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 8(1), 11-16. doi:
“Effects of Different stimulus Speed and Different Exercise İnsensity on
Anticipation Timing By Sport Background İn Adolescent Badminton Players” BAP 2014-2015
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında (proceedings) basılan bildiriler:
- Golshaei, B. (2016, November). ‘The Effect of Different Stimulus Speeds and Different levels Of Badminton Participation on Coincidence Anticipation Timing’, 2016- 14 th International Sport Science Congress, Antalya, Turkey.
- Golshaei, B. (2016, November). The effect of different stimulus speeds and different levels of badminton participation on coincidence anticipation timing, ‘International Sport Science Congress’, Belek, Antalya.
- Golshaei, B, Betul, Coskun, Gurcan, Unlu. (2016, November). Comparison of static and dynamic balance between normal and hearing-impaired wrestles, ‘International Sport Science Congress’, Belek, Antalya.
- Golshaei, B. (2017, March). Effect of stimulus speed and badminton experience on coincidence anticipation, ‘Shape American National Convention and Expo, Bostoon, Massachusetts, United states.
- Golshaei, B. (2015, February). ‘Static Balance differences with respect to sex and sport participation’, 5 th International Scientific Conference of IRANIAN Academicians, Ankara, Turkey.
- Golshaei, B. (2015, February). ‘Gender difference in coincidence Anticipation Timing: effect of exercise intensity and stimulus speed’, 5 th
International Scientific Conference of IRANIAN Academicians, Ankara, Turkey
- Golshaei, B. (2013, January). ‘Teknoloji ile Bütünleştirilmiş Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretimi’, Hacettepe, Ankara.
- Golshaei, B. (2014, November). ‘Effects of exercise intensity and stimulus speed on coincidence anticipation timing with respect to gender’, Konya, Turkey.
- Golshaei, B. (2013, January). ‘Teknoloji ile Bütünleştirilmiş Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretimi’, Hacettepe, Ankara.
İngilizce (ileri seviye)
Türkçe (ileri seviye)
Farsça (ileri seviye)
2022: Balkan Grand Prix 5.’si
2022: Türkiye Vücut geliştirme- Fitness Şampiyonası ve Milli Takım Seçmeleri
2011-2012: İran Klasik Vücut Şampiyonası- İkinci 175 cm kategorisi
2008-2009: Ankara Vücut Geliştirme Şampiyonası- İkinci, 65 kg
2005-2006: Power Lifting- organizatör
2001-2002: İran Vücut Şampiyonası- Üçüncü, 60 kg